Politics and Bankruptcy

1. Why Russia and the deep state became partners

POLITICS AUDIO Chapter One -First.mp3 

POLITICS AUDIO Chapter One - Second.mp3

Latest efforts as of 12/12/2019  http://metroecho.com/bankruptcynotes

A conspiracy is a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. 

A conspiracy can be two lovers concealing their intentions to get married, against the wishes of their parents. Conspiracy is a common activity that is a natural aspect of society.  One persons conspiracy can also be is another persons plan for a better outcome. 

We shy from the idea, and  lack the ability to understand how pervasive conspiracies are in society.  It would be a mistake to think people have the best interest of others when they act.  In fact we know only a world of competition, where person works hard to profit from the other.  The United States government was created by a conspiracy, and remains a conspiracy, improving only under public outcry.     

The Deep State  is a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies, or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation, or control of government policy. 

If you were the Deep State, it would be most clever of you, to be the first one speaking out against the deep state.  The best defense to opposition, is to be the opposition. 

The most common reason to keep secrets is to get away with a crime. Since governments have a lot of money,  secrecy is the best tool for corrupt organizations to take that money, legally.

"There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy.” Joseph Pulitzer known for posthumously establishing the Pulitzer Prizes

This story stretches from the 2008 Ron Paul campaign, to the 2016 election of Donald Trump. The story will infer a backstory of how Russian corruption joined hands with domestic corrupt elements to collaborate,  and executed a ten year plan to disrupt elections in the United states. Then put in place an entire political party favorable to Russian interest.

Along the way this story will point to how political, and judicial institutions could be corrupted from top, to bottom by organizations that hide in the shadows.

2. Economic incentives or legal theft

 POLITICS AUDIO Chapter 2.mp3

Economic Incentives are a transfer of money away from the local tax base into a private corporation. They provide for those in politics, an opportunity to benefit from the exchange.

It is always a bad idea for politicians to make investments in the private sector. If a community wants jobs, to build better schools, and have smarter people, giving away the money you had to build schools and infrastructure is a bad idea. It is far worse if the project that is funded fails to provide jobs. 

When elected officials are responsible for spending large amounts of tax revenue, there is an incentive created for corruption, to transfer the tax money into private hands.

“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― Thomas Jefferson

We may talk politics, but few ever participate. 

A dialectic is a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject,  and is the bases of politics. The most advanced corruption occurs when it becomes possible to control both sides of the argument. If your political community has achieved this goal of unity, they will control  the outcome of all political arguments, and will only pretend to argue over choices. Your government has then become a theater that is in the business of legally taking funds from the public for personal gain. What you end up with is a shadow government that is the most able criminal organization possible. 

3. How to attack a political opponent

POLITICS AUDIO Chapter 3 first.mp3

 POLITICS AUDIO Chapter 3 last.mp3

The Daily Show, produced an episode in 2017  which interviewed  mayor Dario Melton, of Selma, Alabama, State Senator Hank Sanders and Feya Toure.  Mayor Melton paraphrases a line from Martin Luther King Jr.'s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, in which he said "And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid." 

Then State Senator Hank Sanders explains the concept of getting along as compared to "When somebody in the White community gets a cold somebody in the Black community get pneumonia"

What he is describing is a community that has become accustom to intimidation. Tactics to dominate the political environment are not limited to tar, feathers, and lynchings. Corrupt groups are not limited by race, corruption looks only for the ability to do the crime, loyalty, and silence. These mafias work to be good Church members and appear quite the opposite to the stereotype we hold of criminals. They can also become allied nationally and internationally with other corrupt parties. They can become the government and go unseen.   

4. Federal Bankruptcy Protection

In Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases, the debtors attorney gets paid in advance.  If you have more debt than assets, that works out fine for the debtor. The problem arises when an inadvertent creditor, with the ability to pay his debt comes into a Chapter 7 by mistake, thinking he can pay his obligations, and continue with his business. Or, if he has been in any other Chapter and is then forced into a Chapter 7.

In these cases, the Chapter 7 Trustee can take the Debtors assets, and convert them into fees for the benefit of the Trustee. Since the Chapter 7 Trustee takes control of all the Debtors assets, and the Debtor is left with has no money to pay for an attorney to defend the Debtors estate.

Since bankruptcy court is a small pool of specialized attorneys, with almost unlimited power over assets and debt, there is a large incentive for corruption. There can develop alliances that are self serving, where some Debtors can be taken advantage of, and those connected with these alliances are favored.   

 "Bankruptcy court corruption is not just a matter of bankruptcy trustees in collusion with corrupt bankruptcy judges. The corruption is supported, and justice hindered by high ranking officials in the United States Trustee Program --".   AG Ashcroft,  Attorney General

5. Treason - You can eat a democracy the same way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.

The term justice was described some 2500 years ago in Plato’s Republic. In the dialog Thrasymachus' states that justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger. Socrates tries to explain that justice should be a set of laws, that apply to all equally. This is why Socrates, is Socrates, he is teaching a radical and new concept of justice, the type of justice we hope for today.  They did kill Socrates.   

Equal justice under law is a phrase engraved on the front of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. It is also a societal ideal that is central to the American legal system.

Equal Justice is an ideal we struggle for, not necessarily a reality.   

6. Return to Chapter 7

The Chapter 7 Trustee was re-appointed on July 18, 2016.  After the conversion, and return to Chapter 7,  my attorney, Valdejulli, says to me, “you will be raped by Neil Gordon,”  and  “do everything Neil tells you to do.” He then writes a letter to Neil Gordon to tell him that I will be dealing directly with the Trustee, after which Valdejulli becomes very difficult to get on the phone.   

Although the Trustee had said in Court that he would keep my property and preserve the business, he will quickly do the opposite. 

Real estate was my business and livelihood, I am now prevented from my work.

The Trustee will abandon our business platform storeitorsellit.com          

 What is the value of a social media business? Far more than any outstanding debt.

Chapter 7 Trustee will abandon all inventory, customer storage items, tenant leases, and other assets that could have been used to pay debt. The Trustee will proceed in a course that will NOT PAY THE CREDITORS.  HE WILL FOLLOW A PATH THAT WILL TAKE THE LONGEST AMOUNT OF TIME, AND INCREASE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. THE ONLY ENTITY THAT WILL BENEFIT FROM THE TRUSTEES ACTIONS - WILL BE THE TRUSTEE AND HIS LAW FIRM.

7. Intimidation - run out of town

The day after the memorandum was read in court, there is a confrontation with the “Retired Deputy”. He comes to my Timmons Circle property and meets with me. He is visibly upset, and tells me three times “GET THE  F**K  OUT OF THE COUNTRY!”. I don’t wish to whine about some harsh words but, this is the same person that was familiar with the people that participated in my business, and trailed me in my past political activities. Someone that made it clear to me that he was a tough guy. “ I am a killer”, “I infiltrated the mafia in Vegas”, and told me my life may be in danger. I can not know if he is working with my creditors Jerry Austin, and Eddie Lawson.

How could I know if  an X- Los Angeles California undercover agent has been working all this time with my creditors to put me out of business, create the conditions that led to the foreclosure, and then run me out of town? If so, is the Federal Court part of a political machine? 

The “Retired Deputy” will next  tell me that I should take care, that my son might be taken by DFCS  (Division of Family and Children's Services).

8. Over a 30k obligation, can four million dollars vanish, and still not pay the creditors

What remains of my estate is  a 160 acre subdivision located in Chile. These are the sales we have had pending that the Trustee would  not attend to.  I had intended to pay my mortgage, and preserve my business from the onset with these sales.

I had paid obligations in full and on time from these sales in the Chapter 13, but was subsequently prevented from continuing.

If properly marketed, the value of these sales could amount to over 3 million dollars. We have been ready to proceed with sales if permitted to sell.   http://unoslotes.com/

May 19 2017  First of several emails were sent by me to the office of the Trustee, David Weidenbaum. I explained to David Weidenbaum that the Trustee Neil Gordon will not act on our pending sales, I write letters to David, Neil, and the office of the U.S. Trustee in Washington, all who are  supposed to supervise the Trustees activities.     


Latest efforts as of 12/12/2019  http://metroecho.com/bankruptcynotes

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