3. How to attack a political opponent

 POLITICS AUDIO Chapter 3 first.mp3

 POLITICS AUDIO Chapter 3 last.mp3

The Daily Show, produced an episode in 2017  which interviewed  mayor Dario Melton, of Selma, Alabama, State Senator Hank Sanders and Feya Toure.  Mayor Melton paraphrases a line from Martin Luther King Jr.'s Nobel Prize acceptance speech, in which he said "And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid." 

Then State Senator Hank Sanders explains the concept of getting along as compared to "When somebody in the White community gets a cold somebody in the Black community get pneumonia"

What he is describing is a community that has become accustom to intimidation. Tactics to dominate the political environment are not limited to tar, feathers, and lynchings. Corrupt groups are not limited by race, corruption looks only for the ability to do the crime, loyalty, and silence. These mafias work to be good Church members and appear quite the opposite to the stereotype we hold of criminals. They can also become allied nationally and internationally with other corrupt parties. They can become the government and go unseen.           



In a study of the most politically-corrupt states in the United States, Georgia nearly topped the list.(CBS ) 

In July 1993, shortly after the investigation started, a potentially crucial witness, Donald Purser,  was shot to death in bed at his home. Before then, Mr. Purser, one of Dodge County's most prominent residents, had been meeting with Federal agents investigating the corruption case.  NYTimes

On November 6, 2013, I purchased two acres, and 7,200 sq/ft building, located on 155 Liberty Road, from Jerry Austin seller, and Eddie Lawson realty.  I paid $595,000.00 plus commission, to the seller and real estate agent,  Jerry Austin, and Eddie Lawson would provide a first, and second mortgage in the amounts of  $497,000.00  (Austin) and $22,6000.00 (Lawson). Eddie Lawson and Jerry Austin are the only creditors I have. I was debt free prior to this.

Both Jerry Austin, and Eddie Lawson have done well in local business activities, and are well known in the Douglas social and political environment of the county.

My original intention was to convert this property into an internet based storage business. But, my new friend, that had followed me through my Ron Paul experience,  the “Retired Deputy,” introduces me to his friend Janet. She expresses desire to become involved with the project.

Janet suggests that we start up a flea market, I think it is not a bad idea, and agree. The flea market proposal grows, soon she invites her friends and I build booths, soon a flea market venue is ready. We get the permits, build it out and we open up.

Upon opening, although permitted, the City of Villa Rica objects to the outside venue of our market without proper cause. After the first opening day, for no reason, Janet and all participants she had attracted to the market, abandon the proposal. It was very strange, but stranger was how they behaved, joking “What is plan “B.”  None care to continue, we lost all participants after the opening day!

This is not my first rodeo, I have been doing business for some time, but never have I seen this sort of coordinated activity, where excitement can be generated, and then everyone steps away at the same time.         

Janet (April 29, 2014) who began the Flea Market, and offered items for sale at our market, comes to remove her items. The day she intends to get her things, one of my creditors, the real estate agent who sold me the property, Eddie Lawson, happens to be there. Eddie Lawson holds a second mortgage on the property. It turns out he knows Janet, and is selling a property of hers. Eddie Lawson persuaded Janet to leave her items on consignment. Its unsettling to discover that the person that was involved in my business and caused it to fail, to also be friends with the person that sold me the property and holds my mortgage.  

I am learning what a closed society can be like. I clearly made a big mistake by purchasing this property, and doing business in a community like this.   

First Flea Market emails  http://metroecho.com/market

Codes and new venue   http://metroecho.com/change

A second group of individuals, is led by Angela O’Neil.  Angela had been invited to the original flea market opening by Janet, and friends. She begins to express an interest in leasing space for a clothing business. She wishes to promote, and build a larger venue for shopping.

Angela starts the second wave in April, 2014  http://metroecho.com/group2

It is starting to feel very strange, yet I am astonished, and want to see this through.

In order to further develop the Liberty Road property. On July 11, 2014,  the original creditor Jerry Austin provided another short term loan of $55,000.00 at 15% interest rate, including $4,272.00 in points, origination fees and settlement charges. This note was secured by my home and residence at 3540 Laurel Springs Cove, Villa Rica, Georgia, and payable on August 1, 2016.

I am building the business upon a particular software platform, software that is based on a relational database. Because of this, all these events, and  participants are tracked, and dated on a collaborative social media website.   

This was at the tail end of the 2008 crash, the economy was in bad shape. I offered any tenants who could show real business prospects the ability to start a business without paying rent deposits. When we open, then we, the merchants would establish a rental rate based on the income they generate from sales. My object is only to pay the mortgage, and create the software platform that will govern and provide accounting for the merchants involved.
What I am doing, and explaining to them, is that we are using social media tools to create a collaborative approach to retail. A group of businesses all in one location, that collaborates to generate business. One central hub for accounting, marketing, and online sales, where customers of one, benefits all others. This done on a specific web platform I have created, for all to use. 

Angilea O’Neil spearheads this new project, I hire carpenters, and start building shops. As a business plan, I feel confident, participants are showing up, and all appear excited to open businesses .

We build an attractive small mall type venue with separate shops and prepare to open.

With no advertising, by October of 2014, almost all available retail spaces have been taken by 12 prospective tenants. A women's clothing shop, men's clothing, an antique store, as well as other shops and services plan to open by November.

I notice all these participants have previous connections. It is becoming apparent that they had known each other in the past, in one way or another.

In October 2014, two local realtors Mark Olson and Philip Walthrop, call and ask if I would be interested in selling the property. Since there is a full house of shops, I decline the offer. Mark and Phillip were friends of mine, they once tried to purchase a property I had in Douglas county almost ten years prior. They are also part of this local group of homeboys connected to the seller, and mortgage holders. Part of the same local group of the men that sold, and loaned me the money to buy the property.

Within a week of the November purchase offer, all tenants either move out or become unresponsive. The shopping venue halts just before the Christmas shopping season. It all happen almost in a day, everyone just disappears.  After Christmas, they start to return to get their merchandise, this venue shuts down. For a second time all participants abandon the proposal.

Two persons associated with the group of vendors ask to lease the building but wish to remove all interior construction, in preparation for another use. One of these persons has ties to Gregory Daniel, he will later offer to purchase this property at auction, in my bankruptcy.

This was quite strange, I wanted to document the events, I made my first YouTube video, my son narrates, and plays the piano.

Video http://metroecho.com/libertyhaus


By now I am getting the sense that this group is huge, well organized, and out to cause me harm.  I now think my “Retired Deputy” friend, has all along been working to also harm me. Later as this situation forces me into bankruptcy court, where I will file a memorandum explaining these events. The “Retired Deputy” will show up at my home the day after I file the memorandum, with holstered side arm, directing me three times to " GET THE F--K OUT OF THE COUNTRY".  I am getting a sense the “Retired Deputy” is like a secret police agent, working for the local bosses, in charge of running the political opposition out of town.

Everything about the “Retired Deputy” is appearing false, in particular his Libertarian views. The entire Ron Paul for president campaign now looks like a set up to create and build a political sentiment, then swing the votes to a separate cause, the election of a Russia friendly agenda. The audit the Federal Reserve theme appears to have been simply a way to attract roaches into the light, identify the opposition, and eliminate it. Ron Paul will quickly fade away, his son will become Senator Ram Paul, and a most loyal Trump supporter, all talk of auditing the Federal Reserve will stop.          

If this is an organized group, a type of mafia,  it has no racial distinction. If it is a national phenomena then we have truly a secret police, and the political agenda is completely controlled. But, if you say the word conspiracy, you become an outcast. 

I grew up in Georgia, I can now see how this could work very well against carpetbaggers - you would never see it coming. You would get run out of town and not even know how.

Was I just sold a property only to be taken back by the seller, who is also my creditor? This possibility will be pointed out in bankruptcy, but will be ignored.  

On November 18, 2014, I sold my home to pay off the $55,000.00 mortgage to Jerry Austin (creditor), the person that sold me the building.   

Without a home, my son and I moved into the building on Liberty Road. This along with another nearby property we had on Timmons Circle became our new home, and place of business.

Once again I start over, I try to think of a business that can not be affected by this local group. I return to my original idea a consignment/storage type business model.

I create the application  http://storeitorsellit.com/

An online storage business that gets acceptance. I will not need local participation, I will pick up, and deliver from Atlanta's high priced storage market.




I start to fall behind on my mortgage. In order to access additional income, I focus my efforts in marketing properties I have in Chile. I know I have more than enough money in these properties to pay obligations.

Marketing site    http://metroecho.com/at/cl/la-serena/

Promotional site  http://puntachoros.com/

I should say that at this point of this story, I am a single parent, and have a boy that is 10 years old. I had spent the past 10 years traveling back and forth from South America running a clothing business, I had also recently gone through a divorce. I did not know anyone I could trust, was very confused about society, and I was running out of money.

I was now behind in my mortgage payments. I knew that I would at some point get notice of foreclosure, and would have 30 days to act. I continued working on the sale of the properties in Chile, and the storage/consignment model for opening.

On June 29, 2015, Seller/Creditor Jerry Austin foreclosed without the 30 day notice required under our agreement.

His attorney Victor Harrison filed a wrongful foreclosure against me by not providing the 30 day period prior to comply as required by the promissory note. An attorney friend Philip Johns, in a phone call to Victor Harrison, made him aware of  the wrongful nature of the foreclosure. Victor Harrison stated the objection would not stop his foreclosure, and would proceed nonetheless.

My experience with the Republican party in Douglas, had made me think the Douglas county court would not help, and I would get no relief from this court. I understood my creditors, the people that sold me the building to be well connected in Douglas county. I would look to the federal Bankruptcy Court for protection. 

Foreclosure documentation   http://metroecho.com/foreclosure

Next...  4. Federal Bankruptcy Protection