8. Over a 30k obligation, can four million dollars vanish, and still not pay the creditors


Latest efforts as of 12/12/2019  http://metroecho.com/bankruptcynotes

March 3 to April 7, 2017 - Chapter 7 Trustee sent me a request for absolute power of attorney, to sell all assets in Chile.  http://metroecho.com/node/552

What remains of my estate is  a 160 acre subdivision located in Chile. These are the sales we have had pending, that the Trustee would not attend to. This was the way I intended to pay my mortgage, and preserve my business from the onset.

I had paid obligations in full and on time from these sales in the Chapter 13, but was subsequently prevented from continuing.

If properly marketed, the value of these sales could amount to over 3 million dollars, we are ready to proceed with sales if permitted to sell. http://unoslotes.com/

Everyone involved knows that the only reason I came to bankruptcy was to continue my business, and pay my late mortgage payments. NOT TO LIQUIDATE EVERYTHING I OWNED!  My business was given away, the property I had purchased was sold without advertising, for far below what I paid for it, and I had been evicted without due legal process.  

I once again ask the Trustee to tell me what we owe, so we can pay that amount with the sales we have pending. I write to him telling him he is only creating events to generate fees. That he has caused events that forced me to leave the state, and go into hiding. That I can not accept his request for an absolute power of attorney.  I point out that what he is doing is simply wrong, and I hope that a court in Chile may provide a more just outcome. I also say, I no longer have an attorney, and I am out of my depth.       


May 19, 2017  First of several emails were sent by me to the office of the Trustee, David Weidenbaum. I explained to David Weidenbaum that the trustee Neil Gordon will not act on our pending sales, I write letters to David, Neil, and the office of the U.S. Trustee in Washington, all who are  supposed to supervise the Trustees activities.     



July 28 to August 25, 2017 -  Attorney Philip Johns requests to pay creditors directly  226-75 -  I contact Philip Johns, ask him to contact Victor Harrison(attorney for the creditors) to tell him we have sales pending in Chile, and hope that I can pay him to get this problem resolved, Philip will only respond via phone. At first Philip says, “Who would object to money?”. Then he becomes difficult to contact, finally he tells me that they wish to punish me for opposing the foreclosure in the first place. They will not accept any payment.

This only serves to add more cost to the procedure, and they will now rush the legal proceedings in Chile.

August 23-31,2017 - I contacted Bob Kaufman ( 2016  President of the State Bar of Georgia)  I asked him about speaking with his friend/client Jerry Austin (creditor), to find a better solution for our problem. We spoke for some time, but he would not even consider talking to Jerry. He sounded a bit nervous in our conversation. I had known Bob because we went to the same Catholic Church, and I had spoken to him about the situation over a year prior to filing bankruptcy. 226-59-51  

September 18, 2017 - Again I try to find an attorney, the case is too complicated at this point, the Trustee is Neil Gordon, no one wants to become involved. After searching for several weeks, I find Ted Stapleton. He will try to speak with the trustee to produce the sales we have pending in Chile. I gather up $1,000.00, and pay him a retainer.  Stapleton will contact the Trustee, he will repeatedly ask the trustee to proceed with the sales we have in Chile, nothing will come of his effort. In a later hearing (June 18 2019), the Trustee will state under oath in Court, that we never presented sales to him.   

My small retainer ran out. Each time my attorney interacts with the trustee he bills me, and the trustee bills my estate as well. I must pay twice to get nothing. I ask Ted Stapleton to stop billing me.   226-96

September 28 2017  - I told no one of where we moved, not family, no one, yet I get a tax bill from Douglas county at my new address. The way I see things, these people run the county, it feels like a message has been sent to me. Not that it is much of a problem to find anyone these days, but what are the odds that the county would do this work, to move so quickly, and over a small tax bill?  I have had a lot of experience with property taxes, I have never known then do this, a property tax lean is sold, they don't normally bother with out of state collections. I now see people trying to harm us everywhere, it is a strange feeling, this is not the Nation and Government I had believed in. I can only imagine what it would be like to live in a country, where you have a secret police, and you can’t even trust your own family.

There are millions of dollars of property in Chile, maybe I should be afraid for my life... dead men don’t object. If I am out of the picture the Trustee, and Creditors can do as they wish. This legal situation should never be permitted to exist, it is absurd!  http://unoslotes.com/

October 10, 2018  Trustee Sells 2981 Andy Mountain Road - proceeds  $13,252.00 -   I had paid $35,000.00 for this property, and spent at least that much in repairs. It had been in a fire, we rebuilt the house and put a roof on it.  It has been a year and half since the trustee had authority to sell this property. In all this time, he could have placed it for sale with a realtor, advertised it, and paid a 10 % commission and gotten a far more realistic price.  He paid his recommended farm equipment auctioneer $2,700.00. I do not wish to imagine what the Trustee’s administrative fees must be on just this sale, they must be well over the amount of the proceeds of the auction. After all it took him a year and a half to get this done.

In fact, a year and a half ago, the Trustee could have sold the properties we had for sale in Chile paid the creditors, and avoided this, sale and the Liberty Road sale... the destruction of my business, the elimination of my only source of income, and the almost destitute state my son, and I have found ourselves in.

That would have put the Trustee out of work!  With no debt he would have no reason to continue.     

It is becoming even more clear to me that the Trustee will also give away the property in Chile!

If fact, there an incentive to give it away this property for as little as possible, he must demonstrate there were not enough assets to pay my obligations. I also believe that this is not incompetence on the part of the Trustee, this is willful activity.  Is the Trustee punishing me for not signing over the properties in Chile to him?

January 6 2018 Neil Gordon, writes to Stapleton to say that he will no longer communicate with my attorney. We can not get the trustee to tell us what is owed, nor to sell properties in Chile to pay the obligation.

Attorney Stapleton gives up. Unless I have the funds to oppose the actions of the Trustee in court, Stapleton can do no more. 226-90

January 31, 2018  I call Niel Gordon's supervisor, David Weidenbaum, he will once again asked me to resend to him the pending sales in Chile. I will do so for the third time.

I also called and copied this correspondence to the U.S. Trustee in Washington. Washington suggested I also send to ustp.bankruptcy.fraud@usdoj, and my congressmen. 226-103

February 15 2018 Third call to David Wiedenbaum, he tells me once again to call next week. This will only serve to rush the trustee, and cause more fees to be generated.  Letter about this call  http://metroecho.com/node/608

February 21 2018  sent Explanatory letter to Judge Bonapfel

March 13, 2018   Certified letter to Clifford J. White Director of the United States Trustee Program   http://metroecho.com/node/634

I am back to attempting to fix the situation without an attorney  - Draft of File    CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OF THE CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE (1).pdf