How do we decide things for our business if everyone in in charge?
Your first post to the site may be an "Item for Sale." You will find a selection box called
"Action-Plan" these tags will designate what you wish done with your items. You can keep them at home, place in storage, or we can sell it for you.
Considering vintage items that might have several owners over the years our platform provides a history. When items are sold the owner of the post changes, and then the new buyer can offer his new purchase for re-sale, all while still enjoying the use of the item.
As a business (if your buyer agrees) you have an opportunity to find new buyers for the same items that you had previously sold. Consider how useful this would be for art work, automobiles, or homes, where a history can be kept for years.
Adding items to the site creates "Authority," our site measures your activity, and your network. This is why it's in a users best interest to introduce new users.
Our greatest value is in the users we service with our site, the more users the more valued our site becomes. Since we are uniquely user managed, we need some way of returning value to our you, and the size of your network is one of those ways.
We can determine who in charge, by a measure we call "Authority", by a computed calculation of the amount of participation, and the size of the users network, plus activity.