Civil Promo

David Vallin - Comcast

David Vallin
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Website (Company Website)

Privatemsg Introduction 2020


Think of this as an experiment in the economic use of social media - an attempt to define a method of using social media as a platform for the collaborative administration of a business.

A lawyer, storage, social media and corruption

I would like to describe to you a particularly good investment concept, and a legal issue that is tied to it.


What if the candy bar you ate, the clothing you wore, and the social media you use came from a business you controlled? 

New about page and video

Most businesses, and our workplace have top down management structures. The employee is told what to do by his boss, in a chain of command starting with the president or CEO.

Social Media - Designed to govern a corporation (modify and shorten)

 Consider a new method of corporate governance, a direct, open and collaborative method which is directly administered by its investors. This type of management structure would have intrinsic safeguards to corruption and provide greater protection of your investment.

I would like to invite you to review our propsal-prototype and become a participating investor.



Integrated Experts

Sales Evolution

Let’s face it — the sales techniques of the past just don’t work well when pitted against today’s professional buyers. Most customers have unraveled the standard pitches and insulated themselves from the power of persistence

Invitation to Civil Social Media


Hi just placing some text here 


About Cvilsocialmedia prototype. 

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