Ever since the first corporations, corporate management has been done by trusted elected officials, which can make mistakes, and be corrupted.

How many trillions of dollars have been lost because of poor or corrupt corporate management 

Social media technology can  provide us with new management options, that can correct this flaw.

Because social media technology provides secure communication in real time through an internet connection, we can manage any business as a direct democracy.  

Direct Democracy is simple.   -   

Choices are agreed to by a majority and executed by staff.

An online management platform that allows participants to see accounting and business activity in real time would assure investors are in agreement with corporate behavior. 

Social media technology was built through a collaborative effort by software developers to build the free software that became the internet we use today. This same technology is what we use to build our management platform.

Open source began with the G.N.U.   general public license  in 1989, and became a widely used free software license. This license guarantees developers and end users the freedom to run, study, and modify the software they use.

If software can be built by an open group of developers, then a group of business people could build a business using the same technology.  A similar user agreement would give users or investors the right to manage a business. 

Users could participate with the operation of a business from a home computer or cellphone.

Just as the open source community built software, a business could be created and given away to all users to operate, providing a return to investors, and payback opportunities for participants.    

Civil social media dot com  is a web platform where anyone can join to operate a business.

As far as we know this has never been done before.

Therefore...  finding people to run our business is difficult. In fact finding first adopters is the most difficult task of all. 

It is difficult for people to understand why the most advanced software available would be free, the idea that we get something for nothing, is not how things have ever worked.

Why would anyone give away software they created, and even more difficult to understand is why anyone would give away a business. 

We are not giving away a business, we are giving away a limited control, similar to how a business owner gives control to a manager.

We are giving away the authority to manage a business to the greater benefit of investors and customers.  

 Our business is based upon this simple sentence in our user agreement...

"Users have authority over the direction of this enterprise." 

 and these three rules...

1.  We are open - anyone can collaborate in our business process.

2. We are transparent - all discussion is in writing, , decisions are collaborative, accounting is public, and we produce reports that all can see.

3.  Investors have veto power.  

There have been many changes in the past 50 years.

The most obvious have been in  the technology we use, the less obvious are in the economy.

Economics is the relationship between supply and demand, and for all of human history we have had an economics based on scarcity.

Things have changed, the problem today is not a lack of products, but a lack of customers.

Simply put we have a whole lot of suppliers trying to get us to buy what they are selling, and because of this the consumer is more important than ever.

If we can discover how to give away a business to consumers,  we would have a pool of very loyal consumers.

A business that is operated by consumers will assure a trusted supply chain, and a better value for the consumer. These same consumers could provide a sales network for a variety of products and services. 

Investors know that there is always a chance that their investment may be mismanaged, or that the CEO, or managers might be embezzling funds. 

In the past, neither investors or consumers ever had any significant ability to make choices within a corporate structure. 

We hope you can now see how giving away control of a business may not be as foolish as it may at first appear.