Real estate sales, help operate a renovation business

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Our modern world produces new theories, or technologies that constantly disrupt the way we do business, sometimes wiping out entire business communities. You may be too young to remember the encyclopedia salesman, or taxi companies, but if you had been working for one of those companies, it may have been wise to know that Wikipedia, and Uber were on the horizon. Let me describe what I think is the next game changer.

Uber, Amazon, and Wikipedia are products that came from free open source technology. When this technology, with the collaborative methods that created it are applied to business, we will see the next socio-economic change.

Consider how open source software is made, and why it is both free, and state of the art.

We think we can't make money when something is free, so we don't do business unless we own it. We compete fiercely, and protect our territory, collaboration is not part of our mindset.  Open source is free because there are certain aspects of life that work better when we collaborate, for example a road is best when shared. In addition when we build complicated software, or attempt to solve intricate problems, it is best to have many people providing opinions. 

There are many business components that are the same across many professions. Accounting for a plumber is no different than for a realtor and a truck can move things for many different business types.

Logistics, is the act of getting a plumber, or roofer with the correct tools and supplies to a job. Logistics works better when done online, so that field technicians, management, and customers can see what is going on, and quickly correct issues.

Word of mouth is the best marketing tool, and a plumber can promote a realtor and vice versa, and social media is the best tool for networking. We made a platform that combines all these aspects and then gives them to you to manage our business.     

Common business components, like accounting, marketing, logistics and customer relations are now all web based.

This is where you may start to see how the collaborative method of creating open source software could be applied to a common business platform that provides up to date technology, along with the common business tasks, of accounting, logistics, capital, marketing, and social media. 

The cost of these related services would be more efficient and less expensive if the work is centralized, and shared.  You may also notice that what I am describing is a network of allied professionals helping each other, and marketing for each other all from a single web platform.

The key is a common platform that is controlled by the businesses involved.

As a property owner you would keep using the same service providers as before, we would just provide you with a better platform for getting the work done. If your service provider is not satisfactory we would have another that would have a track record, providing you the same logistics and recordkeeping as before.

Our technology would provide you with greater transparency, better accountability, and logistics you could see from a cellphone.

We would also help your service provider be more effective, and profitable, our platform would in effect raise all ships.

In conclusion, as a realtor your most valued asset is your network, we would help increase that network. In addition we would give you new resources to improve your properties, with service providers willing to collaborate with you. Also, since our platform is a prototype, you would be coming in on the ground floor, building our unique start up business that may some day become an industry giant.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to our proposal. 
