The Ultimate Journal, Eternal life could be the Artificial Intelligence version of us-

Our lives are stories, we learn through stories, and our family and society is  enriched by the stories of each other. Those who came before us,  Lincoln, Napoleon, Christ, Trump, our parents and grand parents all represent examples we learn from. Consider the ability of having a chronology of all the pictures, school work, certificates, letters ... everything about one person on a an online database that can be organized and searched, and downloaded to a pin drive.   Ask us how           

Try to envision how Artificial intelligent works...  it assimilates data into an algorithm, and then forms conclusions from that data. It will be possible to create an AI avatar of ourselves, and it will be as accurate as the amount of data it has to work with.  Theoretically, if it  had enough individual data it would be a virtual time machine, you could dial a date and time and it would virtually recreate the events. It would give family photos of an event an entirely different meaning.   

We all should carefully, catalog and preserve our lives... and this record of ourselves is the closest thing we have to immortality .

From Social Media as a Public Utility

We see this technology as the new literacy.

Every child should know how to use this at an early age.  When children go to school they connect their personal site to the school network. When they go to university they tie to the university system, when they go to work they tie into the company system. Throughout the history of that person they keep their data in one place, and backed up into a pen drive. 

As they grow older they would have a rich neatly sorted history of personal, school, and work documents. One life well documented, all in one place safe and secure.      

This unfortunately is not how we use the internet today, but it is the platform we are building, open secure and user administered.
