Dentus - Peru



THE place to go for cheap and good dental Peru. We made a border run last Oct. to Tacna, Peru which is just over the border of northern Chile. Dentists offices were EVERYWHERE and cheap, cheap, cheap. We were told by a reputable source that many large Chilean companies contract with these dentists and send their employees up there for their dental care. So when we next need dental will be off to Peru for us. Not to mention how cheap goods are in total. Had we known before going, we would have bought a ton of stuff to bring back with us.

DENTUS, se constituyó como centro odontológico en la ciudad de Tacna en el año 1 997 gracias al esfuerzo de nuestro Director Gerente Dr. Raúl Rivera Cruz, con el objetivo de otorgar a la colectividad tacneña una atención odontológica integral, brindando un servicio de calidad a cargo de profesionales altamente capacitados y especializados en las diferentes ramas de la odontología, buscando llenar un vacío existente en cuanto a atención integral, lo cual a lo largo de los años nos ha permitido posicionarnos como una clínica dental de mucho prestigio y confianza.