New Account


To access the project, log in, by following...  this ink    (you should also get a log-in email from the site)  

The concept is simple--  collaborate with others to operate a business. This can be done online, and without any need of investment capital. In theory, by providing users with a way to openly manage social media and ecommerce, they would take charge to profit themselves.

If you will wander around the site you will find a few videos I have made that attempt to explain the concept. I have included one of these below, in addition to the one with Hasan Minahaj that explains Amazon in a humorous way.

There are far better developers than I, yet, I enjoy the technology, and the site works well, but it is a prototype. There is still a lot of development to be done.

It is my hope, once you become familiar with the site, you will provide your ideas for what works best, new configurations, or applications that we can then incorporate into the site.