Basic concept of open collaborative administration

Additional information in our "About" section 

For Plato, Democracy was a political system, of maximum freedom, and equality, where every lifestyle is allowed, and public offices, are filled by a lottery.

Although the Greeks had a democracy for 168 years. In 338 B C,  the father of Alexander the great, Macedonian King Philip, conquered the greek states and ended this democracy. The modern, “by the people”, democracy is a relatively new, and fragile invention. It was first established by the American Colonies, in 1788.

Modern technology permits us to go one step further. We can now govern organizations with far greater collaborative input. These methods can be called hyper democracies.  

Open source models like, Wikipedia are a sort of hyper-democracy, where anyone can contribute. Open source works very well, because contributors are moderated, by the community at large.

You can not become an administrator if no one follows or will work with you

These are sometimes called  bottom up organizations, they can be thought of as a self managing hyper democracy

This type of organization is only possible because the technology the platform uses allows for community supervision.  

Civil social media dot com applies this same open source model to our organization. A wiki type format applied to the administration of a business.

Our business mission is to provide technical services to the communities we serve.

We design, and maintain, local social media platforms, that are user administered.

A bottom up approach, to a variety of social, and business applications.

We adapt social media, to the local business community,

Information is data, and we hope to be the front line, of database technologies.

These sites, We  provide local social media tools, and education, in the use of this technology, for the business community we serve.

We are a social business we are not a nonprofit

A social business, is defined as a business, created and designed, to address a social problem.

We believe, that data should be, in the hands of the local community. That all social issues, can be micromanaged, with crowd sourced solutions. That large problems, are in fact, many small problems. That small problems, can be best attended, with social media technologies.


Civil social media dot com,  has both, a front end, and a back end.

The front end, is a social media, marketing and sales platform.

The back end, is a global administrative platform, for our business. This is where what we do, is done.  Here, we have the tools, that allow users, to openly collaborate with administration.


People that we invite to our newsletter, can then participate, in our project.

Social media is an open, and free technology, that is centered upon a database. The value of social media, is found strictly, in it’s users, and what they contribute.

We are a social business, but, we are not a nonprofit. We offer a return to both, our investors, and to our contributors.


Our unique vision, and solution, takes some time to comprehend.

Our newsletter, is how it starts.

Our goal is to gently introduce, these new technologies.

To provide business with a voice to their local community.    

To be a free, and open, repository of information,

All this, with a platform, that you  manage and control.

Finally, what we become, is in the hands, and minds, of our future users.

For this reason, our first objective is to provide you with valued information. Then, if you choose to participate, and collaborate with us, you will be  better able to direct us, in the ways, we can improve the business, and social environment, of your community.       

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