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Just as a village should belong to it's inhabitants, so too an online network should belong to it's users. 

Collaboration, game theory, corruption, and social equality

Game theory teaches that social and economic conditions are governed by individual human interactions. That society and economics can be manipulated by simply regulating day to day interactions.

What we call equality is found in the variables of each interaction, therefore on a grand scale, social equality is made from many small choices.

If you could work with others to make consumer choices on an online platform, the power over an economy would move from supplier to the consumer.

Would you turn down a gift of Facebook or Amazon stock?


Imagine an online platform that resembles a village, with shops, services, and neighborhoods that you can visit and interact with.  That is what we would have if we combined the abilities of Facebook and Amazon into one platform. Then if we gave this platform to its users to manage, they could decide what to do with the profits.      

The best way to build such an online village would be to give the company to the villagers. Just as a village should belong to it's inhabitants, so too an online network should belong to it's users. 

Own Your Social Media



Many business owners know technology is important to their business but don't know how to best use it... we provide a free service that helps you navigate these new tools.

Social media is a technology that we learn and use, we give our users control of the social media they use.

Work together to promote each other.


From Game Theory to a Democratic Social Media

Social media is a powerful political tool that must provide safegards for privacy, be secure, and controlled by its users. The following is a brief explanation of human nature, game theory, and why democratic systems are best at governing public matters.

This is an invitation for you to become part of an experiment to democratically administer the social media tools we use.  

Online Collaborative network - (real estate)

It's free, and a business that you can work with. 

Your brain is a neural network, you have about 86bn neurons in your brain, they work together to make the choices you make day to day. I think the difference between a brain and a network of friends is that a brain is in control of a body that has objectives, and gets things done. We have built a start up site, which is like a virtual body, it runs a business, and can also get things done via a collaborative network. 


I think this is more about individuals learning new technology, taking charge of the social media tools they use, and doing business. 

The website is an application with tools you can use and learn as you work with them. Then you may find ways to apply this free technology to your business or profession.

The site has a couple of basic videos on the front page that try to explain what this is about.  

With regard to real estate, this site is a database, and information is key to real estate. There are many platforms already providing excellent services, but it is the network and clients that will drive the market. Therefore it would be wise to get on the ground floor as we work build our networks.  

The primary goal is to put social media in the hands of the people and businesses that use it. The concept is about collaboration, it's simple, yet hard to grasp...



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