Jack's blog

Social manipulation - Psychographics

see also   at Quartz  facebook-and-cambridge-analytica-worked-side-by-side-at-a-trump-campaign-office-in-san-antonio




Amazon | Hasan Minhaj | Netflix

A more detailed understanding of a LAMP stack and the CLoud

We need to be on this "Web Thing"


Think about it


Source: Congressional Budget Office, “Trends in Family Wealth, 1989-2013

We don't notice the disappearance of the marketplace. Central banks can print money, deficits expand, government jobs are created, and we provide social outreach. Nothing ever completely falls apart because technology provides may social benefits. Profits become bigger and bigger, but mostly for corporations that can participate, not for many of the small business components of your community. All this is what is giving us an increasing wealth separation between the 1% and the 99%.  

Game Theory

Game theory is "the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers"

 PLAY THE GAME    A computer game that creates conditions of social interaction 


Are you a good citizen, how to protect society.

You can't hide, the only solution is to take control!  


Technology can hinder or help brick and mortar retailers

Neiman Marcus... three consecutive quarters of sales dips. 

Dallas Business Journal Reports ... "Last week, North Texas' fourth-largest private company by revenue reported third-quarter fiscal year 2016 sales of $1.17 billion, a 4.2 percent decrease "

New York Post Reports ... "Struggling under a toxic combination of a staggering $5 billion debt load and flagging sales, Chief Executive Karen Katz traveled recently to China to meet with potential buyers, according to a source familiar with the situation. 

USATODAY-Cincinnati Reports ... "Online spending for Thanksgiving and black Friday increased about 18 percent from last year.  Spending in brick-and-mortar stores dropped about 10 percent for the same period.  That has been a continuing trend for many years."


Civilsocialmedia help you understand how your small business can use technology to stay ahead. Small local business has particular opportunities to build stronger customer relations than a comparitable online compeditor.      

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