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Clean Food Delivery - First message planning stages

Corona -- clean delivery
This pandemic will last a year, people will not buy luxury items for quite a while. The economy will crash, but will come back, we can continue to do marketing but our results will be minimal and could be seen as an investment for the following year.
The sales - logistics - and delivery options we have on the civil site is an opportunity. Giving local merchants the ability to get products to customers who are isolating at home will help grease the economy during this disruption.
Maybe the name of the site should say delivery - or safe or clean.
Unfortunately that's the way it seems. Good way to look at it, we should be well prepared to handle the upswing after this blows over. I agree a good opportunity once non-essential businesses are allowed to re-open. We could do old fashioned catalog mail sales with partnered stores, send out mailers to the community of the store. Maybe we could even deliver non-essential goods like amazon, except through shuttered local stores.
I've always liked Civil and I think Civil Delivery fits honestly. We could have various "sub-domains" like that (think of reddit). So we have Civil Delivery, Civil Market, Civil Social Media, and then we have our tailor shop (whatever we call it) "powered by Civil"-- or by Civil Business or Civil Administration or Civil Structure or Civil Organization, etc....
Businesses that use our site would then be "powered by civil" and each venture could have a specific sub-category as described above. People going to our tailor shop site would see the url specific to the tailor shop, but on the site in small print & logos, you would be aware that it was using the Civil platform. Just an idea, sorry if I have already proposed this.
Yea, your right Civil is a good brand, civil especially now. Civil Delivery, Civil Market, Market = catalog and delivery would include online tracking of items. We are ready for this.
I think that branching out in this way could work if executed correctly. A "Powered by Civil" type branding would good for more public awareness. Another thing is that we could have the Civil Delivery system where we would get high schoolers that have
A) The Free Time
B) A Drivers License
C) A Car
D) Have Been Tested
This would start as a grocery/drug delivery system for the elderly/sicks o that they wouldn't risk getting or spreading the virus. The "Delivery Boys" would not get sick due having a stronger immune system, and having the ability to recover quickly. The "Delivery Boys" would go to a store such as Aldi where they would take pictures of their stock and prices and post it on the site. They consumer (Elderly/Sick/Anyone) would see it and order on the website. The "Delivery Boys" would go on the site and claim their "ticket," so that multiple people won't claim the same one, and go to the store, buy the foods, and deliver it, and they would get payed a specified amount based on value and distance. There would be little to no contact between the consumer and the "Deliver Boys" so that the disease would not be spread. When the virus blows over this would become a delivery system for small businesses and people who have disabilities and can't leave their house.
It may not be such a good idea to use kids... but there will be lots of young people out of work , there will be no problem finding delivery personnel.
The clean and tested aspect is super important, a branded white uniform and ball cap would be good too ...
We can get a lot of free press on this ideas if we plan it out right.
It may not be such a good idea to use kids... but there will be lots of young people out of work , there will be no problem finding delivery personnel.
The clean and tested aspect is super important, a branded white uniform and ball cap would be good too ...
We can get a lot of free press on this ideas if we plan it out right.
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