Game theory and social media
I would like to ask you to participate in this solution, encourage others, and to pass this information onto as many others as possible.
Game theory teaches that social and economic conditions are governed by the variable’s, of individual human interactions. That society is a function of our day to day interactions. Our interactions are governed by variables like the rules of society, the choices we make, and the frequency of transactions. These interactions are what make the patters we see in both society and economics.
Our behavior has given us a society with huge wealth separation. Maybe you don't need any more money, but what about education, health, or better transportation services, do you really society is just fine?
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This this graph comes from the Congressional Budget Office, “Trends in Family Wealth, 1989-2013”. You will notice that the very small dark line at the bottom is half of the American population. please note that in each of these categories there is a 1% that has more wealth than the others of the group. This data only goes to 2013, today it is only far worse.
The distribution of wealth was more unequal in 2013 than it had been in 1989. In 2013, families in the top 10 percent held more than three-quarters of all family wealth, whereas in 1989, their counterparts had held two-thirds of all family wealth.
The lesson of this data, along with what we know of game theory, is that we are doing this to ourselves. Every economic interaction starts with a consumer and 100% of the individuals on this graph are consumers as well as voters. But clearly, there is no government solution, voting does not work. Voters can be manipulated by the media, money buys media, and the upper class has far more money, and is smarter than the lower class. They are also far better organized, and will buy politicians.
A very important rule of game theory is that if no one knows you are cheating, cheaters will win. Are politicians crooked? They could come that way out of the box, but are certanly all human and can of course be tempted.
the only solution
We can say that good, and evil, is found in the variable’s of each interaction, and therefore evil on a grand scale is made from many small choices. Because bad actors must conceal bad deeds, only an open platform for social-economic activity can put an end to much of what we think is bad in this world.
Current technology permits simple, and quick transactions, with higher frequency, that can be conducted on an open web based system, where the parameters, and options, are clear to all players. Also, the distinction between a game, and reality are real life activities. is an open platform you control, with real economic components, and based on game theory.
If activity is in the open you cant be taken advantage of unless you wish it so.
I beseech you to participate. Obvious to game theory, is that without players there is no game, so please participate.
Conspiracy fact or freak
Who would want to be labeled a conspiracy freak. Corruption succeeds only because you don't see it, of course corrupt people would want you to think they are noble saints. In fact corruption has been institutionalized from the start of civilization. The Monarchy, is nothing more than the Mob institutionalized, do you think the peasants were peasants because of the altruism of the Monarchy. Governance was always about slavery, about one group more corrupt than the other, taking advantage of as many people as possible.
Niccolò Machiavelli said in the early 1500's "Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are," people who govern, govern best if you think they are doing so for your benefit. He also said "One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived." Machiavelli is considered the father of political science, he writes the play book for how to govern, how to take power.
Today we call it democracy, the Pharaoh is not dead, he has only stepped into the shadows created by the peasants ignorance.
Of course you don't see corruption, it is institutionalized and surrounds you. You support it, you work to enslave your own people and are unaware. The slaves that were brought to America were put on the ships by their brothers and sisters.
The account told here will point to an un-seen secret society that may be difficult for you to comprehend. I will describe how this affected me, how it affects you, why it is treason, and how it will most likely get me killed.
The open nature of information we find today permits anyone to look and see history quite differently than before. You get a sense that society is like an onion, made of layers, with only a small portion far inside knowing the truth. When you come to the truth you can not tell others because you will be disbelieved, ridiculed. This is lesson of Plato's allegory of the cave, if you escape the cave and its illusions, if you go outside and see the light, you can not return to tell your fellow captives, they will defend the reality they live, and surely kill you.
I am Catholic and hold to this faith. I know that the Church is the instrument that promotes the Platonic illusion, that supports those corrupt forces, yet I also know it is the only solution. I support his institution, think it is vital to the past present, and future of humanity. My beliefs are in flux, and far different from what most all parishioners believe, still I am in line with Church Cannon. I also became a Mason and Knight(4) and will not reveal any secrets they may have.
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